平成26年10月21日 The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) 学会大会のご案内

29th ACHPER International Conference: Call for Papers extended

The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference is ACHPER’s biannual event, attracting more than 1,200 delegates from both within and outside the university sector. It is attended by academics, health professionals, educators and members of associations and government departments associated with health and physical education, recreation and sport.

The 29th ACHPER International Conference is taking place over three days from 13-15 April 2015 at Prince Alfred College, Adelaide, South Australia, with a focus on 21st century thinking about how to deliver pedagogy in the HPE learning area, inclusive of sport, recreation, physical activity and health agendas.
Call for Papers/Presentations extended to 28 November 2014

The 29th ACHPER International Conference Program Committee invites submissions for presentations at www.achper2015.com. The Conference theme is ‘Values into Action – A Brighter Future’, with the following sub themes:

  • The educative purpose of HPE
  • Strengths based HPE
  • Learning in, through & about movement
  • Health literacy
  • Critical inquiry and problem solving in HPE
  • Sport Pedagogies

All presentation types (paper, presentation, workshop, forum, poster) are required to submit an abstract for consideration in the program. Abstracts must be submitted via the online form with a maximum of 300 words, which can be found on the conference website: www.achper2015.com. Once received, abstracts will be double blind reviewed and reviewers’ comments will be provided in due course. Papers that are accepted are eligible to be published in the Conference Proceedings. For more information on the presentation types and submission process please click here.

Papers/posters can be considered for the Early Career Researcher Award, Young Scholar Award and the Academic Poster Award. Further details about these awards can be found here.