- 2015/05/18Nov.02,2015 ICSSPE Communities & Crisis
- 2015/02/13Feb.13,2015 ECSS Malmö 2015
1. Greetings from the president

President, Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Science
Kyoko Raita
(Chukyo University)
The Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (JSPEHSS) promotes research in the fields of physical education, health and sport sciences and academic exchanges among its members pursuant to Article 3 (Purpose and Business Activities) of the Articles of Incorporation, which provides that the JSPEHSS shall “contribute to realizing individual well-being as well as a fair and cohesive society through various activities related to physical education, sports and health”. The Articles of Incorporation were amended in 2021 when the Society changed its name from the Japanese Society of Physical Education, which was established in 1950. At that time, Article 3 was amended to express the strong commitment of the JSPEHSS to connect its academic activities with society and to place emphasis on the social significance of the JSPEHSS. Pursuant to this purpose, members in sixteen specialized fields and at eighteen regional branches work together.
Since revision of the election system in 2015 to increase the number of female council members, the proportion of female Executive Board members has been between 30 to 40%. Young researchers are also actively engaged in research activities. The fact that a female president was elected for the first time in 70 years since its establishment represents one of the most symbolic events for the JSPEHSS as a member of international society and academia that aspires to diversity and inclusion.
The Annual Convention of the JSPEHSS is a forum where discussions are held in five application fields (sport culture, health and physical education in school, competitive sports, life-long sports, and health and welfare) from a broader perspective and more comprehensive point of view. JSPEHSS members participate in any of the five areas application fields, transcending their specializations to attend symposia that address social topics or to give presentations. The discussions by members from different areas sometimes lead to some confusion due to different usage of terminology, but such discussions provide productive opportunities for members to obtain creative ideas for their research work.
The JSPEHSS, however, also faces challenges. Organizational reforms of the Ministry of Education undertaken after World War II abolished the Physical Education Bureau, which resulted in a division of jurisdiction over school physical education and social physical education. Emphasis on the proliferation and development of competitive sports increased after the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. The historic context tended to lead to restriction of research activities to three fields: physical education in school, life-long physical education and competitive sports so that more effective feed-back could be reflected in actual practice. We must realize that inter-disciplinary discussion in these three fields and more mutually relevant discussions should be promoted and deepened in order to create an inclusive society and overcome gender norms and disabilities. The 2023-2024 Executive Board is fully committed to the promotion of activities with these issues in mind and further contributing to society through our academic activities.
Your support and cooperation are kindly requested.
June 17, 2023
2. About us
The Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences (JSPESS), which is a general incorporated association, was first founded as the Japan Society of Physical Education (JSPE) on February 11, 1950 with 60 members. When the first conference was held at the University of Tokyo in November 1950, the membership had increased to 345 and the presentations covered 51 topics. The 49th conference in 1998 had 514 presentations, 12 symposia and 11 keynote lectures covering 13 subdisciplines in physical education and sports. A special symposium was also held to mark the third year of JSPE’s special program on “Specialization and Integration of Disciplines of Physical Education and Sports”. The 50th conference, held from October 7-11, 1999, was the first joint conference with other organizations working in physical education and sports. The JSPE was a private academic society until an organizational meeting was held in April 2002; the JSPE was approved as an incorporated association in June 2002. In 2008 the corporate status shifted to a general incorporated association due to the 2008 reform of the public-interest corporation system. As of December 2013, JSPESS is the largest academic organization in Japan with 5,830 regular members dedicated to research in physical education and sports.
3. Purposes
JSPEHSS works to promote scientific interest and research in physical education and sports; to enhance interdisciplinary communication; to advance physical education and sport sciences; to apply the knowledge acquired through research to practice; and ultimately to contribute to academic development in Japan. JSPEHSS engages in the following:
- Organizes conferences for research presentations and lectures
- Publishes academic journals and other publications
- Encourages research and commends research achievements
- Conducts research and investigations
- Communicates and collaborates with related academic societies
- Promotes international research collaboration
- Executes other projects required for its mission
4. Organization
JSPEHSS presides over the following geographical areas and specialized fields to improve research.
Areas(18 branches) |
Hokkaido, Tohoku, Ibaraki, Kita-Kanto, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Koshin, Niigata, Hokuriku, Tokai, Kyoto-Shiga, Nara, Osaka, Hyogo, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu |
Subdisciplines (16 specialized committees) |
Philosophy, History, Sociology, Psychology, Physiology, Biomechanics, Management, Growth and Development, Test and Measurement, Coaching and Training, Aging and Health Promotion, Pedagogy, Cultural Anthropology, Adapted Sport, Frailty Prevention for Successful Aging, Policy for Physical Education and Sport |
5. Board Members
JSPEHSS Board Members for 2023 and 2024 | ||
Title | Name | Affiliation |
President | Kyoko Raita | Chukyo University |
Vice-President | Kaori Yamaguchi | University of Tsukuba |
Vice-President | Norihiro Shimizu | University of Tsukuba |
Vice-President | Norihisa Fujii | University of Tsukuba |
Managing Director | Koyo Fukasawa | University of Tsukuba |
Director | Yoshiko Aoki | Bukkyo University |
Director | Yu Aramaki | Chukyo University |
Director | Tadao Isaka | Ritsumeikan University |
Director | Yuji Ishizaka | Nara Women’s University |
Director | Chie Ikkai | Gunma Prefectural Women’s University |
Director | Yoshiko Oda | Hosei University |
Director | Mariko Kanaya | University of Tsukuba |
Director | Chihiro Kanayama | Ritsumeikan University |
Director | Yasuko Kudo | Daito Bunka University |
Director | Motoki Kozaki | Kyoto University |
Director | Shohei Kokudo | Kobe University |
Director | Kenji Saito | University of Tsukuba |
Director | Masami Sekine | Nippon Sport Science University |
Director | Osamu Takamine | Meiji University |
Director | Makoto Chogahara | Kobe University |
Director | Taishi Tsuji | University of Tsukuba |
Director | Senshi Fukashiro | Japan Women’s College of Physical Education |
Director | Toshihiko Fujimoto | Tohoku University |
Director | Hiroshi Mizukami | Nihon University |
Director | Mitsuyo Yoda | Nippon Sport Science University |
Auditors | Takanori Ishii | Nippon Sport Science University |
Auditors | Hironobu Tsuchiya | Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences |
Auditors | Atsuko Matsuno |
6. Committee
1) Management Committee
2) General Affairs Committee
3) Treasury Committee
4) Editorial Board for “Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences”
5) Editorial Board for “International Journal of Sport and Health Science”
6) Conference Committee
7) International Committee
8) Conference Planning Committee
9) Public Affairs Committee
10)Research Ethics Committee
11)Policy and Advisory Committee
12)Academic Alliance Committee
13)Diversity Committee
7. Conferences
1) The 72nd Conference of the Japanese Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences at the Juntendo University
- Date: August 31st, 2022 – September 2nd, 2022
- Venue: Juntendo University
- Website: In preparation
2) Past Conferences
No. | Year | Venue |
1 | 1950 | University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) |
2 | 1951 | University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) |
3 | 1952 | University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) |
4 | 1953 | Nagoya University and Nagoya Institute of Technology |
5 | 1954 | Tokyo Gakugei University |
6 | 1955 | Kyoto University |
7 | 1956 | Chuo University |
8 | 1957 | Kurume University |
9 | 1958 | Nippon Sport Science University |
10 | 1959 | Osaka University |
11 | 1960 | Waseda University |
12 | 1961 | Aichi Prefectural Cultural Hall |
13 | 1962 | Keio University |
14 | 1963 | Doshisha University |
15 | 1964 | Nihon University |
16 | 1965 | Hokkaido University |
17 | 1966 | University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus) |
18 | 1967 | Osaka University |
19 | 1968 | Tokai University |
20 | 1969 | Hiroshima Institute of Technology |
21 | 1970 | Kokushikan University |
22 | 1971 | Kokushikan University |
23 | 1972 | Fukuoka University |
24 | 1973 | Chukyo University |
25 | 1974 | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
26 | 1975 | Tenri University |
27 | 1976 | Tohoku University |
28 | 1977 | University of Yamanashi |
29 | 1978 | Kochi University |
30 | 1979 | Kanazawa University |
31 | 1980 | Tokyo Gakugei University |
32 | 1981 | Kobe University |
33 | 1982 | University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus) |
34 | 1983 | Hokkaido University |
35 | 1984 | Kagoshima University |
36 | 1985 | Gifu University |
37 | 1986 | University of Tsukuba |
No. | Year | Venue |
38 | 1987 | Ritsumeikan University |
39 | 1988 | Fukushima University |
40 | 1989 | Yokohama National University |
41 | 1990 | Okayama University |
42 | 1991 | University of Toyama |
43 | 1992 | Otsuma Women’s University |
44 | 1993 | Osaka International House, etc. |
45 | 1994 | Yamagata University |
46 | 1995 | Basia Cultural Hall, etc. |
47 | 1996 | Chiba University, etc. |
48 | 1997 | Niigata University, etc. |
49 | 1998 | Ehime University, etc. |
50 | 1999 | University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus) |
51 | 2000 | Nara Women’s University, etc. |
52 | 2001 | Hokkaido University |
53 | 2002 | Saitama University |
54 | 2003 | Kumamoto University |
55 | 2004 | Shinshu University, etc. |
56 | 2005 | University of Tsukuba |
57 | 2006 | Hirosaki University |
58 | 2007 | Kobe University |
59 | 2008 | Waseda University |
60 | 2009 | Hiroshima University |
61 | 2010 | Chukyo University |
62 | 2011 | National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya |
63 | 2012 | Tokai University |
64 | 2013 | Ritsumeikan University |
65 | 2014 | Iwate University |
66 | 2015 | Kokushikan University |
67 | 2016 | Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences |
68 | 2017 | Shizuoka University |
69 | 2018 | Tokushima University |
70 | 2019 | Keio University |
71 | 2021 | University of Tsukuba |
72 | 2022 | Juntendo University |
73 | 2023 | Doshisha University |
8. Journals
1)Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences

2)International Journal of Sport and Health Science

- To Submit a Manuscript
- J-Stage (Search)
- Submission Guidelines Japanese(PDF) English(PDF)
- Instructions to Authors Japanese(PDF) English(PDF)
- Peer Review Process Japanese(PDF) English(PDF)
- For submitting Secondary Publication (PDF)
Editorial Board
1)Membership benefits
JSPEHSS members are entitled to receive the following benefits:
- Regular members can submit a brochure or paper to our academic journal, Japan Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Sciences, or present at our Japan Congress. The Journal welcomes papers related to Philosophy, History, Sociology, Psychology, Biomechanics, Management, Growth and Development, Testing and Measurements, Coaching and Training, Aging and Health Promotion, Pedagogy, Cultural Anthropology, Adapted Sports, Nursing, Welfare and Health Promotion.
- Members have the opportunity to share their research with other researchers from different fields, countries and regions by applying to present at our annual congress.
- Other member countries participate in JSPEHSS under an academic exchange agreement. Members may participate in our congress where international researchers gather and establish distinguished networks of personal contacts.
- Member scholars and students engaged in the study of physical education and sport science will be able to obtain valuable information on a regular basis.
2)How to become a member
Please print and fill out the Membership Application Form listed below and send it to the regional secretariat in your vicinity by post.
Note: For more information, please refer to the “Admissions Guide” and “Entry Example”. If you prefer to have the membership application form sent to you by post, please contact the JSPEHSS Secretariat by e-mail and state your address. E-mail: taiiku-info@taiiku-gakkai.or.jp
3)Initial Fee and Annual Membership Fee
→ For more information: (PDF A4)
10. Contact us(Secretariat)
JSPEHSS JAPAN SPORT OLYMPIC SQUARE 4-2 Kasumigaokamachi, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013 TEL: +813-6812-9290 FAX: +813-6812-9291 E-mail: taiiku-info@taiiku-gakkai.or.jp