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November 2021
Upcoming Change in Leadership at the Executive Office
Almost 15 years working as the Executive Director of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, Detlef Dumon informed the ICSSPE Executive Board during its meeting on 4th November 2021 that he intends to step down from this position in the summer of 2022.
ICSSPE Whistleblowing Platform Online
ICSSPE announces the development of a whistleblowing platform on its website.
Final Conference of the CHAMP Project
The final conference of the Erasmus+ co-funded CHAMP project took place on 20th October 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Education Material for Coaches and Parents
The project consortium of the DITEAM12 project developed pedagogical learning material to help club officials in their work with coaches and parents.
Physical Activity Fact Sheets 2021 Published
The European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe share the 3rd edition of the Physical Activity Facts Sheets 2021 for European Union member states.
Anita White OBE Nominated for Sunday Times Award
Anita White OBE has been nominated for The Sunday Times SportsWomen of the Year Changemaker Award.
Call for Survey Participation
The European Commission asks to participate in a survey to collect views of a possible European Model of Sport.
Research Grant Programme Launched
The Olympic Studies Centre has launched the 2022/2023 edition of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme.
Presentation of Winning Projects
The new edition of the SB magazine of the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities is now online.
Call for Applications
The International Centre for Sport Studies has opened the application process for the 23rd edition of the FIFA Master.
Launch of UNESCO Campaign
UNESCO will officially launch the Fit for Life Visibility and Engagement Campaign on 15th November 2021 during the UNESCO General Conference.
Week of Action
UNHCR and sportanddev have launched a Week of Action from 8th until 12th November 2021 to promote and understand how sport can support displaced women and girls.
Brussels, Belgium
The International Sport and Culture Association announces its 10th MOVE Congress which will take place from 17th until 19th November, 2021 in Brussels, Belgium.
Call for Proposals
The European College of Sport Science will hold its 27th Annual Congress from 31st August until 2nd September 2022 in Sevilla, Spain.